clues at the scene

clues at the scene

Sunday, September 29, 2013

clam clam clam

The picture at left from on wikicommons.

I'm in Michigan so do not have beautiful clam pictures on my phone

However, I love clams in the first cool of fall. Love them.

It's fall here. I can't help thinking of how the leaves gently cover a body in the woods. I've never understood the "hunter finds body" story very well. I suspect that many of the bodies are found in early fall when hunters are scouting. When the leaves are down, finding the remains would be much harder.

I've a story where I want the body to just emerge with little cause. I want its discovery to be the problem in the little community. I'm not interested in the "who done it" part or the forensic bits. I'm more interested in how a body in a small community can - if prepped right - precipitate mistrust and accusation.

I'm thinking of a story where the act of killing causes permutations far more meaningful to the characters than the actual murder.

I hope you're writing Tonight, I hope you're writing about clams.

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