clues at the scene

clues at the scene

Friday, August 31, 2012

Short Story

A friend asked me today who most I admired as a writer of short stories.

I only thought for a minute. While I have read extensively, the earliest stories keep coming back to me.


I love Twain. I enjoy a wide array of science fiction writers. I enjoy a collection from Hemingway I have floating around the house. I enjoy Capstick. Likewise Ruark.

It was Poe who captured me when I was in the sixth grade. He does it again on infrequent falls when I feel like a little does of the old terror.

I couldn't resist the next page. For a short story, that does a lot for me.

"The Cask of Amontillado."

I don't visit the wine cellars of associates as a rule.

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