I'm grinding but haven't had much to say for the blog. The allergies are hammering my attention span.
I managed to write-in a nice twist to the WIP last night, however. It feels good, too.
Janet Reed has a great piece on social media here. Solid piece, too.
Content, fellow mules. Content.
Content is fueled by more content.
- Write well.
- Write often and regularly.
- Finish;
- Polish;
- Publish;
- Move on.
I'm lingering on that first step: write well.
I'm beginning to like what I am producing, however. It's been about twenty-five years since that's happened. The last three or four have been worth it.
Work to do on the page with ink. Probably not so much to do here.
My allergies have been bad, too! Since I appear to be allergic to everything, I'm not sure what the culprit is.
Best of luck with your writing!
I'm sitting here covered in dozing foxhound and cat. They're writing as fast as I am tonight.
Allergies almost over. Hang in there.
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