Vince Lombardi - as the story goes - used to ask new players to describe what kind of player they were. Did they need a kick in the ass, an atta boy, or to be left alone? Writers need all three but in differing amounts.
The hideous picture at left describes our game pretty well.
We are the horse. We produce content and really, that's the most important job: pull the cart. In order of importance for prioritization we :
- Pull the cart.
- Pull the cart.
- Pull the cart.
- Do everything else.
The fellow with the whip isn't your agent or your publisher. It's the embodiment why you got into this gig to begin with when you had the very uncool idea that sitting alone at the desk writing while everyone else is playing games is somehow rewarding and fun.
What to do? Write. The rest will take care of itself if the writing is good enough in the eyes of the readers to create the voracious need for more. Take the readers on the guided adventure to a new emotional land. Scare them. Shock them. Astound them with the sights. Bring them home safely.
They'll want more. You'll do fine. Put on the pith helmet and write.
I need someone to say "You're never going to be able to do that." I am rebellious enough that by golly, that is EXACTLY what I will do.
Hilarious. I would deny having this trait though my lose associates would swear we are much alike.
Irreverence and a purposeful truculence I believe defines many great writers. Good job you !
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