clues at the scene

clues at the scene

Monday, June 5, 2017

Ink Before Sunrise

Inspiration from Paris at left. Image hosted on wikicommons as created by Tristan Nitot. Image of the day for wikicommons back on 11 January, 2005.

Before sunrise the ink does not flow quickly; but, it does flow.

Summer fills every available minute with competing interests.

Trout call to me. Vocational concerns weigh heavily. Recreation and family obligations scream in competing chori.

There are stories that must be told.

The still of early morning is the time when I can tell them as the house is at ease.

The dog grudgingly walks the garden with me then collapses at my feet. A cat comes in, sits on an upholstered tuft, and waits for attention.

I'm at the desk. I'm working on the draft. It is important enough I'll stumble out of bed for the effort.

Best gift for a summer writer? A coffee pot with a timer.

It's easier to write when the coffee is waiting hot.

What are your writing strategies this summer?

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